⭐ NEW ⭐ LILAC Far UV Now Available

UV Air Disinfection

If you’re familiar with chemical cleaners, then you’d know that liquid cleaners are only capable of cleaning the surfaces they are sprayed on. That leaves out one important mode of transmission for diseases; the air we breathe. Browse our UV air disinfection solutions for this problem.

AZALEA Air Purifier

ALYSSUM UV-C Air Purifier Ceiling Panel Light

ALYSSUM HEPA Air Purifier Ceiling Panel Light

ACANTHUS Upper Room UV-C Fixture

GALAX UV-C Air Purifier Ceiling Panel Light

GALAX HEPA Air Purifier Ceiling Panel Light

CYCLAMEN UV-C Air Hybrid Downlight

TULIP 2 UV-C HEPA Air Purifier

TULIP 2 HEPA Air Purifier

TULIP 2 HEPA Filter Replacement (4 Pack)

IRIS Omnidirectional Upper Room UV-C Fixture

LUPIN Upper Room UV-C with LED Downlight

IRIS Upper Room Wall-Mounted UV-C Fixture

CARNATION Upper Room UV-C Fixture


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