⭐ NEW ⭐ LILAC Far UV Now Available

Upper Room UVGI

Upper room UVGI disinfects bacteria and viruses in the air by creating a UVC disinfection zone in the upper part of the room. This zone is above people’s heads and out of harm’s way. When properly installed, upper room UVGI helps you achieve CONTINUOUS air disinfection, even in occupied spaces. 


You can get a free consultation with UV CAN’s industry experts about how to best incorporate UV into existing disinfection and sanitization routine. Either email info@uv-can.com with the subject line, “Free Consultation” to start booking a time or call our office at 604-423-5599.

ACANTHUS Upper Room UV-C Fixture

IRIS Omnidirectional Upper Room UV-C Fixture

IRIS Upper Room Wall-Mounted UV-C Fixture

CARNATION Upper Room UV-C Fixture

LUPIN Upper Room UV-C with LED Downlight

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